Monday, March 2, 2009

Where Can I Find Dog Supplies?

Where Can I Find Dog Supplies?

It's a common question; Where Can I Find Dog Supplies?. As started before if you want to get quality supplies for your dog then you should be willing to pay a little extra coin in order to do so. Again, nothing close to having to create a special budget based solely on buying your dog supplies but it is important to make sure you're not selling your little friends short.

Take Dog Food for instance. Most people are known to pick up a bag as they do their grocery shopping. It's usually cheap, large and the dogs just eat it up. (pun intended) But did you know that the majority of dog foods that can be found on the average grocery store shelf contains nothing but flavor and filler. It causes the dogs to poop like crazy and in the long run is not a healthy choice. If you were to take a look at the ingredient list you'll find that ranking at the top are various meat meals which is a term for mixture of random meat parts and by-products. A by-product is something that is made from the meat of the animal used within the dog food. It's usually low grade and not too good for the dog.

If you were to do some further investigating and take a look at one of those dog food specialty stores then you'll most likely come across many strange dog food names that you probably haven't seen before. These dog foods don't have the big budgets to produce commercials to make them well known. But there are a few things that separate these dog foods from the rest of the grocery store brands. Chief among them is that they actually contain real meat. And meat that rank high in their ingredient listing. Such as turkey, chicken and so forth. This is a good thing. Dogs enjoy meat and lots of it. Giving them the cheap dog foods are like giving them near candy. It wouldn't be good for people and it isn't good for dogs.

Popular dog supplies include the ever popular Kong. A Kong is a rubber cone in which can be inserted dog treats. The dog can chew down to the opening and then spend a good hour or so trying their hardest to extract the remainder of treat in a futile attempt at more treat. It keeps them busy which is essentially the main reason for the thing. Of course there are other options such as real treats that are made extreme tough and durable so the dog can chew and chew and it will still take forever for them to even get half way. There are a variety of these and the good ones double as a kind of toothbrush and floss. It cleans the teeth of the dog as they continue to enjoy the treat.

Treats are only some of the possibilities when trying to find dog supplies. There are dog coats, dog boots, dog collars, dog leashes, dog brushes, dog hair bows, dog toothbrushes(not the chewing treat) dog sweaters, dog hats, and the list goes on. If it exists in the human world most like it exists within the dog supply world. I'm rather certain there is a version of glasses for dogs. You can find pretty much anything for dogs, especially if you're looking for dog supplies online.

Speaking of dog supplies online, now is a good time to mention that there are plenty of places advertised that offer a load of dog supplies, dog treats and so on. Buying dog supplies online can be done rather easily. But smartly is a different story altogether. If you do a search for find dog supplies online and take a look at a few of the results then you're going to see a variety of sites that are all offering "quality" dog supplies at low prices. You will also see many other sites that show you many "quality" supplies for dogs that aren't at a low price. Some rightly so and others not so rightly. The point is, just as there are many outlets to purchase human items online, the same exists for dogs. Quality, price and many other factors are exactly the same however. Here are a few tips for discernment when it comes to finding dog supplies online.

If you look at a site at random that offers dog treats and it appears to be of poor make then it could mean one of two things. Number one would be that the person has little to no knowledge of actual dog supplies and just wishes to take advantage of an existing market for their immediate gain. This is actually common and can be annoying to people genuinely searching for the best products for their dogs. These can be determine by an unusual amount of ads before you see any real text. As well as supplies that are extremely cheap without a good reason as to why. Legitimate sites, in most cases, at least explain about themselves and provide reasons as for why they should be trusted in selling dog supplies online. Or in general for that matter.

Although keep in mind that if a dog supply site doesn't look as professional as most there is the possibility that it is owned and operated by someone who has spent their time around dogs instead of computers. They know the needs or dogs and the best toys and treats for them. They can tell quality dog supplies from the rest and just with the pass on that knowledge and provide a good resource to find dog supplies online. In these cases, the merchandise may be a little higher in price but is most likely better quality and more suited to your dog.

Another option when searching for supplies online is that you will find a large listing of good looking sites that were, in most cases, professional done and contain a large array of items and supplies for your dog. Just like the last example, these sites can be the same. It is possible that someone with money or web experience may want to take advantage of their abilities to sell cheap, low grade dog supplies. So even though they make look like a fine place, make sure you do your homework when it comes to their site and check the brands and quality of their dog supplies. If someone doesn't look right then I would suggest avoiding them for a more trusted sources.

Along with this comes the flip side of the coin. Someone who has been in business for years and have made a good taking with their dog supply expertise may be using their knowledge and resources to bring to the current market a trusted and high quality place to find dog supplies.

These are just some examples and you in your search you might not come across a place exactly like what is described. It is most likely going to be less obvious. Which is why you need to do as much research on your own before you begin buying dog supplies online. When it comes to going out to an actual dog store or pet shop to shop for your dog then it does make things a little bit easier in the regard that you have access to all the supplies at your fingertips and can browse them to make sure they are good for your dog. Not only that but there should be easy access to employees who "should be" knowledgeable in the area of dog supplies.

"Should be" is the key terms. Just like dog sites, dog supplies stores can exist simply to make money an are not interested in the well being of your dog. They hire employees who know little to nothing of owning a dog and how to take care of a dog. They will give you information that might sound right but be completely wrong. Or they might not care and will suggest you buy something that might even be harmful. Again, make sure you do some research before you choose the place where you will buy dog supplies. Whether it be online or not.

Finally, a summation of the above article. Essentially, be wary of where you buy your dog supplies. Some places can be legitimate dog lovers, others are in it for the money. This goes for either buying dog supplies online or in the store. Take careful consideration of where you go and with whom you speak with. If something doesn't sound right then check it out first. If a dog store employee gives you bad or even harmful advice, report him or her and leave the store.

All in all, there are wonderful places on the internet to find dog supplies online. It's just important to do your research so they your little(or big) friend will have a continued, and health lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Bringing home a new dog, whether it’s a puppy or an adult, is like bringing home a new baby – you need to be prepared, and you need supplies. So, I was looking for articles on buying pet supplies online and then I came across yours inspiring read. Thanks!
